
Scale your financing services with instant, embedded lending

With Defacto, offer instant financing directly within your product for a mutually beneficial growth journey with your customers.

Partner with Defacto

Why become a fintech partner with Defacto?

Small icon, indicating a message outbox.
Increase customer retention
Solve your customers’ treasury challenges and keep them coming back for more.
Small icon, indicating a message outbox.
Expand revenue opportunities
Increase customer acquisition and retention by generating extra revenue through working capital as an added service.
Small icon, indicating a message outbox.
Extend financing coverage
Provide financing to a larger percentage of your customers with our underwriting algorithm that maximizes eligibility coverage.
Small icon, indicating a message outbox.
Differentiate your service
Offer the most cutting-edge financing to your customers from buy now, pay later capital to 1-click lending scores.
Cloud icon Defacto
Every fintech tool aspires to become the undisputed destination for your customers.
With Defacto, you can now make that dream a reality.

You choose—no code or low code

Select the product experience you desire by either integrating Defacto directly within your platform or adding Liquid—our lending referral link. Either choice, clients get instant financing direct from!
Qonto claim funding Defacto
Drive up customer volumes like Qonto
Who added 1-click Liquid financing to their banking flow.
Pay Libeo invoices with Defacto
Increase product stickiness like Libeo
Who embedded Defacto Connect to offer deferred debit payments.
safe, simple setup

Seamless experience, easy to implement

Seriously it takes almost no time from your engineering teams or customer service teams to offer instant lending. We handle the whole process from underwriting to repayment and guarantee complete setup in less than a week.

Want to embed instant financing in your platform? Partner with Defacto today!

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